台南首選、專業室內設計公司, 詠絮室內設計團隊,三十年裝修經驗, 詠絮團隊個個優秀、每位設計師都是主角, 擅長古典、新古典、現代風、美式風格呈現。
台南首選、專業室內設計公司, 詠絮室內設計團隊,三十年裝修經驗, 詠絮團隊個個優秀、每位設計師都是主角, 擅長古典、新古典、現代風、美式風格呈現。
Yung Hsu - the preferred professional interior design studio in Tainan. Each designer is the leading role of this brilliant team. Take possession of 30 years of decoration experience. Expert in manifesting the Classical, Neo-Classical, Modern and American design styles.
我們工作不分層級,各有專業,對設計工程盡心盡力; 細心諮詢,為滿足客戶需求精心設計。
Each designer has their own specialties, and constantly committed on the design projects with no administrative levels. As well exploiting detailed consultation and the deliberated design that achieved the customer's requirements.