設計概念 Design Concept
此案為多層樓透天住宅,詠絮設計 因應「在家即可享受綠意」的設計核心理念,軟裝皆從「自然元素」發想,在選材與造型上呼應戶外庭院植栽;空間配置方面,有鑒於建物備有採光良好的多面落地窗,因此便配合各樓層的窗景變化,以及非方正的室內結構,打造出通透寬廣的視域,並進一步形塑「一層一景」的特殊複合風格,使每個進入空間的人,在沉澱身心之餘,亦可享有充滿變化的驚喜。
Draw on the core concept of "A green house of enjoying scenery at home“; YUNG HSU INTERIOR DESIGN makes use of natural elements of furnishing and art decors to echo the outdoor landscape of the multi-story house. Moreover, there are several French windows that introduce excellent daylighting of the site; and then, comply with the configuration and the structure of each floor to create a transparent and spacious setting. Thereupon, by means of the distinguished style of different floors bring about the glamorous and stunning features of the comfy space.